Produced in 2020, Theatrical release in Cinema April 2021 for Spain and September 14 for France.
Co-Production France-Italy-Spain ; with S-POT Productions and Strawberry Films.
International Sales : Begin Again Films
Distribution : Les Films des Deux Rives
Documentary 100 min | Cinema | 4K | 2.35:1
Project supported in development and production by the region Normandie, and in production by the Ile-de-France region.
Pitches: Fipadoc 2019 | DocBarcelona 2019
World premiere at the Malaga Festival in 2021, and selections at :
2021 FIFA - International Festival of Films on Art - Montreal (Canada) - Feature Film Competition
2021 FIPADOC - International Documentary Festival - Biarritz (France) - Competition "The Noticed"
2021:SEEYOUSOUND - International Music Film Festival- Torino (Italy)
At 62, flamenco legend Jorge Pardo takes up the challenge of bringing together a group with the greatest musicians of today for a unique fusion concert, accepting for the first time to be on the front of the stage with his flute and his saxophone.
Come and meet the master of Flamenco-jazz and immerse yourself in a rhythmic world, traveling from Spain to New York or India, sharing the mystery of Flamenco with new generations.
Will he manage to organize the concert of his life ? And if so, with what success ? TRANCE is a human journey full of exceptional musical performances, in private and in concert, featuring breathtaking artists in the most ambitious film on flamenco music for many years.